I made some pesto! Been meaning to do this forever, and after I bought a huge bunch of basil last week because I could not stop sniffing it with my pregnant nose it seemed the time had come. I used this recipe, and it was DELICIOUS. I will definitely be making more of this with my garden grown pesto this summer. I read somewhere that you can freeze it in an ice cube tray as well and then just pop out little bricks as needed. I cant wait to try that! Ive also done a little knitting (forgive the terrible lighting, I always forget to photograph things until after 9pm it seems).
This little bird from the Ravelry pattern here. The beak didn't come out as expected. It ended up a little long and not quite as squat and cute as it appears on the Ravelry site so I think I would modify it next time. But other than that, it was a quick and easy knit. I have about a billion baby patterns queued but for some reason, I cant bring myself to start knitting for MY baby. I think its because I really want to know the sex before I commit to any color or pattern. I'm silly that way. Oh, I also did a little sewing for myself.
A friend at work gave me a bunch of old sheets and some batting recently (much to Bruce's chagrin). Included was this navy blue, jersey sheet. Perfect for this (update: Crap I cant find the tutorial I used. I'll keep looking and post it as soon as I do)!UPDATE:Finally found that tutorial. Better late then never I always say. You can find it here.
I had wanted to try a big girl version and I'm pretty pleased with how it came out. Please excuse the swollen belly. I literally cannot suck in anymore. :P That's all for now. I hope to have some knits for Bean McCoy on the needles soon. Keep your fingers crossed for me.