I've finished cutting and laying out Jack's quilt, and have managed to sew a couple of rows together.
I also made a kicking bag for Mason (owner of this Monkey), which I completely forgot to take a picture of. Maybe his Momma will send me one... *hint, hint T*
I made these glasses cases for my folks, commissioned by Jack of course, with "Grandma" and "Grandad" embroidered on the front. I used this tutorial. It was super easy, a great way to use up scraps and a fun and non-intimidating way to learn to do a lining which I had never done before.
Ive also been working slowly on my Christmas knits. Everyone is getting their presents late this year since knitting seems to really aggravate my wrists and thumbs. I've only been managing a few rows a day. But I anticipate relief with a little practice. I couldn't imagine knitting at all at the beginning of the month, so we are definitely making progress.
We had a lovely Christmas morning at home. Jack got loads of pressies and Daddy surprised Momma with the Beabe Babycook. I'll report back as soon as Jack is on solids and let you know how I like it.
We spent the evening with my folks, ate some yummy English food, drank some tasty wine and we were all tuckered out at the end of the evening. It was a lovely day.
I'm really looking forward to getting back to normal. I've got lists and lists of things to try. Happy New Year to you all. I think 2011 is gonna be a very crafty year.