I made so much stuff last weekend, but somehow don't feel like I have much to show for it. Must be because I usually spend at least one weekend afternoon giving the house a good scrub down. Not so last weekend, I had a sick hubby and an urge to sew.
I made 2 skirts (one is for sale in my etsy shop). I made a curtain for my kitchen and a dish drying pad (it was a miserable failure). And I worked on my knitting but somehow, my list of stuff to do keeps getting longer rather than shorter. Ill leave you with tonight's dinner. Mushroom, apple and sausage risotto. If you havent tried to make risotto at home because it seemed too daunting stop making excuses, buy some arrborio rice and get to work. Its waaaay easier than I thought it would be and such a wonderful cold weather meal. Plus, you only use one pot, what could be better?