I swear everyone I know is either pregnant or has small children. This is awesome in my world because knitting/sewing for babies usually goes fairly quickly and works well for my ADD personality and desperate need to be constantly working on new projects. The hat above is for Mia, the 9 month old daughter of some dear friends. I found the pattern while looking for something to knit for a new baby cousin. The vintagey vibe didn't seem quite right for them (I ended up making a little strawberry hat which is loosely based on the umbilical cord hat in Debbie Stoller's Stitch and Bitch and of course cant find the picture I took).
Right so back to the pixie hat... see the ADD kicking in already? I found this vintage pattern and I knew that my quirky friends would dig it for their little girl. To add to the old skool vibe I cut a little toadstool out of felt, added a couple of spots in a cream color and blanket stitched that puppy on there. Then because I am never done embellishing, I added a little gingham bow. Oh I also added i-cord ties by picking up 3 stitches along each of the edges. I hope her mom likes it and sends me a picture *hint hint*.
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